Saturday, March 14, 2009


I switched over to Apple in 2003/2004 ish, and I've never really done any programming on it. Because of the iPhone, my intrest in apple development has peaked. So these last few days I've been looking into it and building some sample apps in XCode.

I'm intrested in building a Visual Novel of sorts. As a kid I loved choose your own adventure books and I've played a few VN that I liked. I've also played a bunch that I hated.

But being the writer & programmer that I am. I thought it could be fun to build my own.

There are a number of ways I could build this, the easyest being HTML and JavaScript (another AIR app). But I kinds want this to be on the iPhone (partly becuase if it successeds I could sell it).

So now I'm looking at how it can be done in objective-c and cocoa. To be honest I haven't programmed in C (or C++) in over 7 years. Looking over samples rings some bells, but Cocoa is a new beast all together. Anyway, I think I'm going to try this objective-c programming.

I know this isn't very zen of me. I could have something up and running in a matter of hours if I stuck with JavaScript or C#. I don't even have a story or graphics yet. I just have a vage idea of a zombie survival story.

I really should write the story first, then worry about programming.

Still, I find myself here even when I know I shouldn't.

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